Photographer: Leonard Gren
"- Photography is an activity I have strong feelings about and burn for and it´s truly with joy I go hunting for preys of light and motive. At the same time I must admit that behind the curtain there are equal amounts of fear, stress and anxiety not to succeed. But despite my trembling legs when facing these challenges there is always the will to do the outmost to prove and give everything I´ve got.
I rarely stand without my own dreams and ideas about what I personally wish to fulfill in my projects, but limited time and resources makes it easier said than done to go the full length. Often, for bad and worse, you´re forced to scale down to reach your targets and expectations. But this can also be positive since it means there is a framework to hold on to.
The mission to collaborate with Göran in taking pictures for this blog is incredibly stimulating and exciting in many ways. With my hands untied I, as a photographer, is given the chance to work with varying subjects, thoughts and concepts, where my creativity is let loose to mirror whatever is the topic. This way the visualization becomes more personal which to me as the creator is very fulfilling."
Leonard Gren

When writing this I´m literally and symbolically flying over Europe on my way to a seminar in Italy. At the same time there is a blog to be written. This time I share the bourdon with Leonard, the young photographer, so the theme for this blog will be a meta-perspective. How do you face blogging? Which thoughts have to be thought and which considerations do you have to take into account?
In my blogging I have tried to combine the two legs I´m standing on. One which is deeply rooted in a socio-cultural perspective on learning, which I carry with me when I observe, report and try to think new thoughts. Another which takes its stand in the Swedish Travelling Exhibition´s mission to develop the exhibition media which I interpret as been given a ”free letter” to come up with new thoughts.
My perspective on learning focuses on a view upon the museum and the exhibition as a social arena where the visitor is placed in the center and where the exhibition should offer possibilities for collective and active participation. This to become part of a structure for lifelong learning where meaning making gives the visitor new tools to face every day life with.
The mission to think new thoughts draws my eyes to the fringes of development of methodology and tools for learning and communication. What is going on in Europe and in the world? How can social media become part of an exhibition? How do we design an exhibition in order to reach the visitor? How is the role of the museum and the exhibition interpreted around the world?
This is what I try to write about, partly to create transparence in the development of a pedagogical strategy, partly as distributed learning where the written word helps me to sort out my thoughts.
I hope that Italy will offer me some new things that I can share with you next week. Also read Leo´s thoughts of how you as a young photographer close in on a rather abstract mission to deliver pictures to a blog on learning, the museum and the exhibition. See you in a week. Ciao!
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